Results for 'Carl A. Castro'

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  1.  32
    Understanding moral injury from a character domain perspective.Hazel R. Atuel, Nicholas Barr, Edgar Jones, Neil Greenberg, Victoria Williamson, Matthew R. Schumacher, Eric Vermetten, Rakesh Jetly & Carl A. Castro - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (3):155-173.
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    Théologie politique et pouvoir pastoral : Foucault contre Agamben.Rodrigo Castro Orellana - 2023 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 79 (3):333-354.
    Rodrigo Castro Orellana La première partie de l’article analyse certains des aspects fondamentaux du débat sur la théologie politique, principalement à partir des recherches de Carl Schmitt. Ensuite, il étudie la mise à jour de cette controverse par Giorgio Agamben en identifiant ses principaux enjeux théoriques et politiques. Enfin, dans la troisième section, l’article étudie le contraste entre le concept de pouvoir pastoral de Michel Foucault et la version spécifique de la sécularisation proposée par le paradigme théologico-historique.
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  3. El problema de la autoridad en la obra de Juan Donoso Cortés (Tesis de Maestría - IDAES/UNSAM).Fabricio Castro - 2019 - UNSAM/IDAES 1:1-168.
    Esta tesis estudia el pensamiento del conservador español Juan Donoso Cortés (1809- 1853). Más precisamente, se ocupa de responder cómo resuelve el problema de la decadencia de la autoridad monárquica en Europa a partir de las revoluciones de 1848. Para abordar este objetivo general elaboramos dos objetivos específicos. El primero busca señalar las continuidades y discontinuidades de la obra donosiana, escindida generalmente en dos períodos: el juvenil, con un Donoso Cortés liberal, y el maduro, que luego de una “conversión religiosa” (...)
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  4. A History of Pythagoreanism.Carl A. Huffman (ed.) - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a comprehensive, authoritative and innovative account of Pythagoras and Pythagoreanism, one of the most enigmatic and influential philosophies in the West. In twenty-one chapters covering a timespan from the sixth century BC to the seventeenth century AD, leading scholars construct a number of different images of Pythagoras and his community, assessing current scholarship and offering new answers to central problems. Chapters are devoted to the early Pythagoreans, and the full breadth of Pythagorean thought is explored including politics, religion, (...)
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    Le droit de l'enfant à une familie.Carl A. Anderson - 1995 - Pierre D'Angle 1:101-113.
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  6. The Lectern: A Book of Public Prayers.Carl A. Glover - 1946
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  7. A New Mode of Being for Parmenides: A Discussion of John Palmer, Parmenides and Presocratic Philosophy.Carl A. Huffman - 2011 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 41:289-305.
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    Observational Adequacy as distinct from the Truth about Observables.Carl A. Matheson - 1998 - ProtoSociology 12:225-237.
  9.  10
    Aristoxenus of Tarentum: Discussion Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities Volume Xvii.Carl A. Huffman - 2012 - Routledge.
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    Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic: A Commentary on the Fragments and Testimonia with Interpretive Essays.Carl A. Huffman (ed.) - 1993 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is the first comprehensive study for nearly 200 years of what remains of the writings of the Presocratic philosopher Philolaus of Croton. These fragments are crucial to our understanding of one of the most influential schools of ancient philosophy, the Pythagoreans; they also show close ties with the main lines of development of Presocratic thought, and represent a significant response to thinkers such as Parmenides and Anaxagoras. Professor Huffman presents the fragments and testimonia with accompanying translations and introductory chapters (...)
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  11.  9
    Moral action, God, and history in the thought of Immanuel Kant.Carl A. Raschke - 1975 - Missoula, Mont.: Scholars Press, University of Montana.
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    Themistocles and Cleon in Aristophanes' Knights, 763ff.Carl A. Anderson - 1989 - American Journal of Philology 110 (1).
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    The Ethics of Wildlife Rehabilitation.Carl A. Strang - 1986 - Environmental Ethics 8 (2):183-185.
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    Du Bois and education.Carl A. Grant - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    One of the most prominent African American intellectuals of the twentieth century, W. E. B. Du Bois continues to influence the understanding of race relations in the United States. In this deeply personal introduction to the man and his ideas, esteemed scholar Carl A. Grant reflects on how Du Bois's work has illuminated his own life practices as a Black student, teacher, assistant principal, and professor. Sharing the story of a brilliant man's life contribution to teaching about race and (...)
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  15.  16
    Aristoxenus of Tarentum: The Pythagorean Precepts : An Edition of and Commentary on the Fragments with an Introduction.Carl A. Huffman (ed.) - 2018 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The Pythagorean Precepts by Aristotle's pupil, Aristoxenus of Tarentum, present the principles of the Pythagorean way of life that Plato praised in the Republic. They are our best guide to what it meant to be a Pythagorean in the time of Plato and Aristotle. The Precepts have been neglected in modern scholarship and this is the first full edition and translation of and commentary on all the surviving fragments. The introduction provides an accessible overview of the ethical system of the (...)
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  16. MOOCs threaten jobs.Carl A. Fox - 2013 - The Philosophers' Magazine 62:6-6.
  17.  35
    The Poincaré sphere sample space.Carl A. Hein - 1977 - Foundations of Physics 7 (7-8):597-608.
    In a series of recent papers, Randall and Foulis report the development of a generalized theory of probability which is based on the concept of a physical operation. A central concept in this theory is that of a generalized sample space. In this paper, we introduce a generalized sample space, which for historial reasons we shall call the Poincaré sphere sample space. We investigate the relationship between this nonclassical sample space and its classical analogs, and find that the key to (...)
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  18.  25
    The concept of cellular tone: reflections on the endothelium, fibroblasts, and smooth muscle cells.Carl A. Boswell, Isabelle Joris & Guido Majno - 1992 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36 (1):79.
  19. Albert Camus, The Stranger (review).Carl A. Viggiani - 1989 - Philosophy and Literature 13 (1):182-183.
  20. Achilles in America.Carl A. Rubino - 2005 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 98 (4).
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    Journeys, Maps, and Territories: Charting Uncertain Terrain in Science and Literature.Carl A. Rubino - 1997 - Intertexts 1 (2):118-130.
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    Die Monogamie in der Sicht des Ethnologen.Carl A. Schmitz - 1966 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 10 (1):102-116.
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    Force of God: Political Theology and the Crisis of Liberal Democracy.Carl A. Raschke - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    For theorists in search of a political theology that is more responsive to the challenges now facing Western democracies, this book tenders a new political economy anchored in a theory of value. The political theology of the future, Carl Raschke argues, must draw on a powerful, hidden impetus--the "force of God"--to frame a new value economy. It must also embrace a radical, "faith-based" revolutionary style of theory that reconceives the power of the "theological" in political thought and action. Raschke (...)
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    Gnostik, Urform christlicher Mystik.Carl-A. Keller - 1986 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 12:95-127.
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  25.  45
    Sexual harassment proclivities in men and women.Carl A. Bartling & Russell Eisenman - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (3):189-192.
  26. Studies in the logic of confirmation.Carl A. Hempel - 1983 - In Peter Achinstein, The concept of evidence. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 1-26.
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  27.  40
    Middle Comedy and the "Satyric" Style.Carl A. Shaw - 2010 - American Journal of Philology 131 (1):1-22.
    Although "Middle Comedy" may best serve as a chronological label, the remains of pre-Menandrian, fourth-century comic productions suggest that certain characteristics were more dominant at this time than in earlier or later periods of Greek comedy. The possible sources for these characteristics are wide-ranging, but available evidence indicates that fifth-century satyr drama was one of the most important. Not only do fragments, titles, and plots reveal a significant generic relationship, but Aristotle even seems to link their comic mode. Fifth-century satyr (...)
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  28. News.Carl A. Fox, James O'Connor & Jane Clare Jones - 2013 - Philosophers' Magazine 60 (-1):6 - 8.
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    Black Intellectual Thought in Education: The Missing Traditions of Anna Julia Cooper, Carter G. Woodson, and Alain Leroy Locke.Carl A. Grant, Keffrelyn D. Brown & Anthony Lamar Brown - 2015 - Routledge.
    _Black Intellectual Thought in Education_ celebrates the exceptional academic contributions of African-American education scholars Anna Julia Cooper, Carter G. Woodson, and Alain Leroy Locke to the causes of social science, education, and democracy in America. By focusing on the lives and projects of these three figures specifically, it offers a powerful counter-narrative to the dominant, established discourse in education and critical social theory--helping to better serve the population that critical theory seeks to advocate. Rather than attempting to "rescue" a few (...)
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  30.  13
    Interpretations and the machine.Carl A. Rubino - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (145):293-300.
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    The Literature on Multicultural Education: review and analysis.Carl A. Grant, Christine E. Sleeter & James E. Anderson - 1986 - Educational Studies 12 (1):47-71.
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    The measurement of time: A first chapter of physics.Carl A. Richmond - 1937 - Philosophy of Science 4 (2):173-201.
    At a certain stage of advance in any science it may be well to re-examine and perhaps to rearrange its fundamentals. One seeks an ideal, logical order of development, which may or may not be the best pedagogical order. Many a high school beginner in physics has become acquainted with “force” as something that gets in between two bodies of matter and pulls them together or pushes them apart, like himself between two carts or like “magnetism” between two magnets. Whether (...)
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  33. The politics of certainty: Conceptions of science in an age of uncertainty.Carl A. Rubino - 2000 - Science and Engineering Ethics 6 (4):499-508.
    The prestige of science, derived from its claims to certainty, has adversely affected the humanities. There is, in fact, a “politics of certainty”. Our ability to predict events in a limited sphere has been idealized, engendering dangerous illusions about our power to control nature and eliminate time. In addition, the perception and propagation of science as a bearer of certainty has served to legitimate harmful forms of social, sexual, and political power. Yet, as Ilya Prigogine has argued, renewed attention to (...)
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  34.  60
    The Authenticity of Archytas fr. 1.Carl A. Huffman - 1985 - Classical Quarterly 35 (02):344-.
    In a long note in his epoch-making book on ancient Pythagoreanism Walter Burkert raised some grave doubts about the authenticity of Archytas Fr. 1 which have recently been challenged in an article by A. C. Bowen. In this paper I have two goals. First, I will evaluate Burkert's doubts and the success of some of Bowen's arguments against them. Second, I will present a further consideration that both clarifies the text of the fragment and also removes the most serious problem (...)
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    Towards a New Dialectic of Language: Plato, Structuralists, Thucydides.Carl A. Rubino - 1973 - Substance 3 (8):89.
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    The Meaning of.Carl A. Lofy - 1959 - Modern Schoolman 37 (1):39-48.
  37.  30
    Fallacy of the last bed dilemma.Luca Valera, María A. Carrasco & Ricardo Castro - 2022 - Journal of Medical Ethics 48 (11):915-921.
    The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the relevance of adequate decision making at both public health and healthcare levels. A bioethical response to the demand for medical care, supplies and access to critical care is needed. Ethically sound strategies are required for the allocation of increasingly scarce resources, such as rationing critical care beds. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the so-called ‘last bed dilemma’. In this paper, we examine this dilemma, pointing out the main criteria used to solve it and (...)
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  38.  11
    The end of theology.Carl A. Raschke - 2000 - Aurora, Colo.: Davies Group. Edited by Carl A. Raschke.
    Publication of The Alchemy of the Word in 1979 brought the deconstructive philosophy of Jacques Derrida into the arena of theological discourse & marked the end of theology as it had been understood by many. This work, revised & reissued as The End of Theology, is an important contribution to understanding the possibilities of a creative postmodern secular theology. The first chapter examines the aims & the shortcomings of language analysis as used in the examination of religious & theological statements. (...)
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    A Mandate for All Seasons.Carl A. Anderson - 2012 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 12 (4):597-609.
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    Matthew Hennessy. Algebraic theory of processes. Foundations of computing series. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., and London, 1988, ix + 272 pp. [REVIEW]Carl A. Gunter - 1990 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 55 (1):366-368.
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  41. Reason and myth in early Pythagorean cosmology.Carl A. Huffman - 2013 - In Joe McCoy & Charles H. Kahn, Early Greek philosophy: the Presocratics and the emergence of reason. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
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    The pythagorean precepts of aristoxenus: Crucial evidence for pythagorean moral philosophy.Carl A. Huffman - 2008 - Classical Quarterly 58 (1):104-119.
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    Rejection without acceptance.Carl A. Matheson & A. David Kline - 1991 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69 (2):167 – 179.
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  44.  44
    Philolaus of Croton: Pythagorean and Presocratic: A Commentary on the Fragments and Testimonia with Interpretive Essays.Brad Inwood & Carl A. Huffman - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (1):118.
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    Classics and internet technology.Barbara F. McManus & Carl A. Rubino - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (4):601-608.
  46.  27
    La fonction sociale du saint.Par Carl-A. Keller - 1976 - Dialectica 30 (4):277-284.
    RésuméLe saint — phénomène religieux universel — est compris comme un personnage à travers lequel un Absolu se manifeste au sein du relatif: le saint représente le fondement transcendant d'une société. Ce fait détermine ses relations avec la dernière: libéré des contraintes habituelles d'ordre transactionnel qui régissent la société, le saint en assure l'équilibre en intervenant comme arbitre lors de conflits graves — en particulier en période de crise —, ou comme directeur des consciences. En faisant de lui un objet (...)
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    Essays in Modern Scholasticism in Honor of John F. McCormick. [REVIEW]Carl A. Hangartner - 1945 - Modern Schoolman 23 (1):52-53.
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    The Invisible Worm: Ancients and Moderns in "The Name of the Rose".Carl A. Rubino - 1985 - Substance 14 (2):54.
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    The Shamanic Odyssey: Homer, Tolkien, and the Visionary Experience. Tindall, Robert and Susana, Bustos. Park Street/Inner Traditions, 2012. 212 pp. ISBN 978‐1594773969, $13.38. [REVIEW]Carl A. P. Ruck - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (1):97-101.
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    Pragmatics: Principals of Design and Evaluation of an Information System for a Department of Respiratory Medicine.David R. Baldwin, Carl A. Beech, Angela H. Evans, John Prescott, Susan P. Bradbury & Charles F. A. Pantin - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (1):78-84.
    Objectives—To evaluate a departmental computer system.Design—a. Direct comparison of the time taken to use a manual system with the time taken to use a computer system for lung function evaluation, loan of equipment and production of correspondence. b. Analysis of the accuracy of data capture before and after the introduction of the computer system. c. Analysis of the comparative running costs of the manual and computer systems.Setting—Within a department of respiratory medicine serving a hospital of 1323 beds.Main Outcome Measures—a. Time (...)
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